Scenes behind the Queen of Lemon Herbs
Lemon myrtle (Backhousia Citriodora) is known anecdotally as ‘The Queen of The Lemon Herbs’ due to its high natural citral content. At 90%+, this citral content is the highest among any plants known to man. With a fresh and crisp flavour profile, it is touted as ‘lemonier than lemons’; undoubtedly leading to its extensive use in the global food and beverage industry.
As the largest grower and processor of lemon myrtle in the world, we tend to our lemon myrtle trees from cuttings right through to their mature years. At Australian Native Products, we ensure our trees grow with an abundance of sunlight, water, nutrition, and most importantly, care.
Our lemon myrtle trees take 4-5 years to produce at their peak, but it only takes 20 hours for our team to process and pack nature’s best lemon flavour straight from the tree, into a triple-foil sealed bag. That’s as fresh as it can get!
We believe in nature’s incredible healing power, and we are very fortunate to be able to provide this to our customers and consumers – nourishment through nature.
Recently our general manager Ross Norris joined Kim Berry, editor of Food & Drink Business, to give a glimpse of some behind the scenes action on our lemon myrtle farms. We are leading the way with our lemon myrtle, and we look forward to uncovering and sharing more about this remarkable Australian native botanical with you.
Click this link to hear what Ross has to say.